Simply Grace

From as far back as I can remember Grace has been present in my life. Im not typically a fan of change but life has been a brutal teacher. Change has evolved me into the person I am now. Living steady in God's grace is the constant in my life. Comparison is an ugly trap for most all women... For me it has been the Phantom in my Opera!

I spent my entire childhood feeling inadequate and even as an Adult who has picked herself up from rags. It's an aggressive fight when we begin traveling the road of comparison. I have recently learned the power of a word. Positivity speaks volumes, especially when you are talking to yourself. We are who we say we are or more importantly who he says we are. If I constantly say: "I am worthless. I deserve tragedy." That's exactly what I will get and what I will be. God says that I am His child and by His stripes I am made free. I am a child which makes me royalty.... It says that I do deserve a great life, happiness and success.

No. It doesn't mean that life won't toss me lemons here and there but it does give me power over my circumstance.

Grace is unmerited, undeserved, unearned favor. how amazing is it that we serve a God who freely gives us the room to get it wrong every now and then. Remember that the next time someone has done you wrong or fallen short of where you feel they should be.

Live simply by grace.

I truly hope that I can inspire some small part of you through my blog! Thanks for reading!

XO -Denisha

Denisha Karme