Tuesday Tidbits: Resolutions
Welcome to 2019... I know we are a few weeks in but I have been recovering from December 2018! Raise your hand if you are still trying to catch up!!! Maybe your decorations are still up, maybe you are still trying to sort through a mound of gifts, maybe you still need to clean out your fridge from holiday treats and casseroles?? Guess what? That's ok! You are going to rock 2019 just because you showed up!
What things have you resolved to change this year? I am curious to know if you are like me and make the same resolutions every year! It makes me ashamed of myself so this year I made a more specific list and at the very top is my most important one...
1. Never break a promise to myself!
2. See my book through. (Look for a complete blog about this soon)
3. Exercise 150 times.
4. Create a vision board.
5. Simplify my home.
6. Write every single day!
7. Start Tuesday Tidbits on blog.
8. Set realistic goals for my family.
9. Eat to live.
10. Make more time for dating Michael! (Pastoring, Parenting & Life means this has to be an intentional goal)
I'm sure you are busy just like me and sometimes the easy thing to do is power through, forget all the things you want to do and slowly they become distant dreams. Be better this year! Put yourself first and not by being who everyone else thinks you should be but by being the beautiful person that God created you to be!
So, hey lets go! Lets conquer 2019 and come out more energetic, more successful and happier than every!
Thanks for reading Tuesday Tidbits! See you next week!!