Denisha Karmé

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Coming Soon

So much has been happening in my life!!

Seriously, I sometimes have my eyes open, staring directly at a person talking to me and I'm somewhere in a far universe contemplating when I will have time to have a nice quiet meal and enjoy the sunset over the ocean..... Then I wake up and remember who I am and what I am supposed to be doing. It's a real struggle!

Since my last post... almost 3 weeks ago (I know, I should be ashamed of myself)! I have been parenting 2 little league baseball players, enjoying some Spring Break Fun and working with a production team on my book!!

Y'all, I am so extremely excited to finally get to share my book with you! It's coming very soon! As in THIS SUMMER! I can't believe it is really happening and all my tears, prayers, stress wrinkles, and nail biting will have purpose! I was completely in my zone when it was just me and my laptop. I was doing what I did best and that was sharing my heart through my best form of communication, writing! Now, that I am choosing layouts, cover designs, fonts and doing photo shoots... well, I'm a bit out of my comfort zone.

Following your dreams and actually seeing them unfold is a lot more complicated than you might imagine. I have been on a steep learning curve since Christmas and it has been both exhilarating and exhausting. When it was just me and my "working title" things were easy and it was all about what I wanted. Now that I am trying to get it out for all of my people to read, well, it's more involved with other peoples opinions and I don't like to disappoint. I still search for approval and validation when really I should just be confident in what I want, after all, this is my journey that I've been on my entire life. I continuously remind myself that God is in the middle of my dreams and with Him, I am going to be ok. Even when I struggle with confidence and just being me. Especially when I have worked for hours on a proofread and interior design just to have a meeting leaving me questioning my why and worth. My all comforting savior is here with me giving me a gentle nudge to keep going because I've certainly come too far to give up.

So, all that to say the past 3 weeks have been a whirlwind of emotion. I've cried, laughed, scratched my head trying to figure out trim size and how to properly edit a pdf according to the Chicago Manual of Style standards! I have stepped into the humbling arena of marketing and promotions. It has been a great learning experience and I will continue writing because it's engrained deep down in my spirit. It's what I'm meant to do! My eyes actually went cross last night as I was proofreading my galley file (manuscript) for the 4th time. That obviously doesn't include all the times I read the same sentence 15 times trying to come up with the best wording before submitting my manuscript to the publisher.

I truly can't wait for you to read my book. I can't wait for the moment that I can say I am an Author of a published book. I can't wait to have a tribe of readers. I can't wait to receive a message from a stranger that my book has inspired. Those are all moments I long for. Dreams I have prayed over and passions I am living.

Thank you for being patient as I work. It won't be much longer and I can share my cover, release date, signing party details and so much more with you who are already a part of my tribe!

XO -Denisha